Tuesday, July 09, 2013

I am Max's total lack of outrage.

OK, so I'm reading the story McDonnell lawyer says children took minimal food from mansion in the Washington Post, and for once I'm failing to be outraged. The governor's college-aged kids took food with them from the governor's mansion to their dorms? OK....I think lots of us brought food from home if and when we lived in dorms. Of course, our parents paid for our food, not the taxpayers, but if the kids were at home with their parents, they would be eating food paid for by the taxpayers. Maybe the difference is that an elected politician needs to be a lot more scrupulous about allowing people to feed from the taxpayer-funded larder...literally. But it seems pretty natural to send food from your household with your kids when they go off to college.

I suppose the McDonnell family should have made sure to make separate shopping trips and to pay for them with personal funds, but the only reason I think this deserves any attention is because there seem to be a lot of other, much worse improprieties, so I suppose that it's not a partisan assumption to think that the McDonnell parents were intentionally trying to reduce their personal expenses by using taxpayer-funded supplies.

Still, I'll admit that upon reading this story, my first thought was "So what? Who wouldn't do that?"

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